NEON "Der Filmtest"

January 2015

Even more important than to please the new partner's parents is to know his favorite movie...

NEON "Baum der Erkenntnis"

From May 2014

The "Entscheidungsbaum" is a monthly column which answers the big questions of life. Like for example: "What should I wear?", "Do I need a new hobby?", "Should I conceive a child?", "Should I kiss him/her?", "Should I get a tattoo?", "Is it time to clean?"

NEON "Unnützes Wissen"

July 2013

Cover-Illustration for the NEON booklet "Unnützes Wissen".

NEON "Jetzt richtig feiern!"

March 2014

Some small illustrations for an article about partying. Different partymeals and an instruction how to build a vodka-slide.

NEON "Wie siehst du das?"


Every Week illustrators and photographers are interviewed for the NEON blog by answering ten questions just with images. You can "read" the whole interview here

NEON "Unnützes Quizzen"


Why can't astronauts burp? And on which chromosome is actually the gene for earwax? The big questions of everyday life - in this quiz they will be answered!

NEON Magazine


Thanks to "Mediatheken" you can watch much TV without having one, provided that you don't loose the overview.

NEON Magazine

June 2013

The cover illustration for "NEON Unnützes Wissen" - an anual booklet that gathers funny facts about differnet topics and an alien for a little advertisement

NEON Magazine


Simple infographics for the category "Arbeitsleben" which presents different people's jobs and how they get changed by them.

NEON Magazine

2011 / 2012

A range of illustrations for NEON Magazine. The First One is about retro insanity - featering the corner shop lady, the Berlin Wall, the Reichsmark, etc. The second drawing visualizes the famous discipline of egosurfing and the third one is from the background pattern in the category "Ehrliche Kontaktanzeigen".

The cover illustration for "NEON Unnützes Wissen" - an anual booklet that gathers funny facts about differnet topics. And last but not least a trashy collage for an article about the so called "Würstchen-Falle" which means as much as the problematic situation that could happen when you're giving somebody who holds the whip hand an ultimate.